"Beautify your tongues, O people, with truthfulness, and adorn your souls with the ornament of honesty"
Last year: We had a paper crown for each child with honesty written on the front. A few words from the quote were written on pieces of paper. We Paper clipped the pieces of paper to the back of the crown. Each child took a crown which they placed on their head to adorn themselves with honesty. Then they put the pieces of paper in order to form the quote.
Older Class:
This year: We had a body drawn on a big piece of paper with a heart for the soul and a mouth for the tongue. We wrote beautify, truthfulness, adorn, and honesty on individual pieces of paper. The children made a line like a relay race. We placed the pieces of paper about twenty feet away from the body poster. The children took turns running or walking fast up to the papers, took one of the pieces and came back. They then decided if the paper should be taped on the mouth(tongue) or the heart(soul) of the body poster. This helped them learn the quote.
Story: We used the picture book Harriet and the Garden
Craft: The children made honesty necklaces in which they could adorn themselves. They cut out a shape with a piece of paper and wrote the word honesty on it. Then they painted the paper, punched holes, and took a piece of ribbon to make a necklace.
Younger Class:
Movement: The children did stretching
Story: Ruthie and the Not so Teeney Tiny Lie
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